SCUM ski walk 4 FWW ascents for the 4th of July

4 SCUM ski walk 4 ascents of FWW ski hill--photo by Dermot Cole (who only did 2 ascents because of a medical appointment conflict)

Tim Woster had ski walked 4 ascents of the Fort Wainwright alpine hill on 9 June with Mom. Today we paced ourselves so that we kept our effort in level 2 for the most part going up the hill. The FWW contractor was hydroseeding the bottom and top of the alpine hill today so we couldn’t take our usual route at the very bottom. However, Dan and Bill still started next to the ski lift hut:

Dan and Bill at the start of their 4th ascent–photo by Bill Husby

So Bill Husby, Dan Johnson, Bernardo Hernandez, and Mom did 4 ascents today in honor of the 4th of July and the FWW frog:

Frog who was enjoying the extra ponds after our recent rains–photo by Bill Husby

We took the ascents leisurely today since some of us plan to do the Golden Heart Trail Run tomorrow. Before heading out to FWW, Dan and Bill had already moved all the newly refurbished and painted ski racks back to the Start Mesa area.

We ascended 740 m this morning, not a bad morning’s effort for a bunch of old geezers.

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