Volunteers made the 37th Sonot Kkaazoot a celebration of spring

Bad Bob with mic and start list providing commentary on race day–photo by Dan Johnson

The 37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot “is pretty much complete” in the words of race organizer, Bad Bob Baker. He continues “I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. Wade tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Hopes are everything will come out well.” The Sonot “was a great event with great weather and ski conditions. See ya on the other side.”

Please thank the volunteers (https://sonotkkaazoot.org/volunteers/) who made this year’s event happen. At least 53 people staffed the feed stations that kept the skiers hydrated and energized on an unseasonably warm day after cold start to spring. I want to personally thank the West Valley Ski Team feed station for patiently peeling three or four banana sections for me. My legs were cramping seriously by that point so getting my mitt and pole off was virtually impossible. They made possible my 30 km finish. Thank you for providing us feeds and encouragement.

The trails were in amazingly good conditions that we expect from our Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks groomers, who were literally up all night before the Sonot Kkaazoot. No serious accidents were reported during the race as skiers were under the watchful eyes of the Nordic Ski Patrol. I’ve been unable to get the names of these individuals, so please let me know (contact@sonotkkaazoot.org) if you recognized any of these key volunteers.

Many long-term volunteers spent part of their Saturday timing the Sonot Kkaazoot, helping to prepare the stadium area, and staffing the awards banquet. We appreciate all their efforts.

Finally, Denali State Bank (https://www.denalistatebank.com/) has been the title sponsor of the Sonot Kkaazoot for all 37 years that the race has been held. Their support together with the Fairbanks North Star Borough Parks and Recreation, Fort Wainwright, U.S. Army Alaska, and the Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks has endured for 37 years. This lasting collaboration was responsible for countless smiles I saw Saturday on the trails. Spring and the Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot will return on 22 March 2025, the fourth Saturday in March.

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