Great Tracks and Sunshine on a Subzero Day

The 31st annual Sonot Kkaazoot is only 4 months away. The Jim Whisenhant Cross Country Ski Trails at Birch Hill Recreation Area have been groomed to perfection after our ample November snowfalls. Although temperatures were in the -5 deg F range this morning, the sunshine and piston bully groomed Sunnyside Trail made for an enjoyable training workout.Sunny day on the Sunnyside trail

Don’t forget that these trails are maintained year round by the Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks with costs of labor, fuel, and equipment repair supported through contributions to the Trail fund. Please donate to make sure that this wonderful grooming continues. Here is the URL for the secure site:

The secure site for Sonot Kkaazoot registration will be set up soon. The work associated with the new Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks website has delayed some of the back end functions (like secure purchases) temporarily. However, we’ll let you know when the Sonot Kkaazoot registration is available.


Skiing on Sonot Kkaazoot course is great

Although October was exceptionally wet, temperatures were also unusually warm so snow was late in coming to the Fairbanks area. However, after one false start, the snowpack on the Jim Whisenhant cross country ski trails at Birch Hill Recreation Area and on Fort Wainwright trails is great for both classical and free technique skiing. Thanks to a lot of volunteer brushing work done this fall on the White Bear trail, skate and classical skiing are great. Unfortunately, our fitness isn’t quite in the same shape yet. Here’s what coronary bypass looked like a week ago:

Coronary bypass sm

Yesterday we skied from the Sunnyside Trail to Fort Wainwright, where we found that the Army was busily enhancing snow cover on the alpine ski hill making for unusual skiing conditions up the ski slope to the base of the Sonot Connector. However, the classical tracks on the Sonot Connector and White Bear were awesome.

FWW ski hill at base of Sonot Connector sm

Take a break from snow shoveling and scooping to enjoy the ski trails!

The 31st annual Sonot Kkaazoot just 4 months away.