Update on Bad Bob

Bad Bob ready to challenge Kent Karns to a ski race, anytime.

Bad Bob Baker, originator and long-term director of the Sonot Kkaazoot had successful surgery late Friday afternoon. Although originally scheduled to spend the night at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Bad Bob was home Friday night. When Kent Karns, his friend and former Lathrop High Schol XC Ski teammate called him, “Bob said he could beat me in a ski race any day including last night.”

I would be willing to bet on Bad Bob. While balancing on his non-surgical leg, Bad Bob could doublepole faster than Kent, who completed his first ski of the season on Saturday. Kent might still have a fighting chance to catch him on an uphill course.

Recover well, Bob!

Volunteers made the 37th Sonot Kkaazoot a celebration of spring

Bad Bob with mic and start list providing commentary on race day–photo by Dan Johnson

The 37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot “is pretty much complete” in the words of race organizer, Bad Bob Baker. He continues “I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. Wade tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Hopes are everything will come out well.” The Sonot “was a great event with great weather and ski conditions. See ya on the other side.”

Please thank the volunteers (https://sonotkkaazoot.org/volunteers/) who made this year’s event happen. At least 53 people staffed the feed stations that kept the skiers hydrated and energized on an unseasonably warm day after cold start to spring. I want to personally thank the West Valley Ski Team feed station for patiently peeling three or four banana sections for me. My legs were cramping seriously by that point so getting my mitt and pole off was virtually impossible. They made possible my 30 km finish. Thank you for providing us feeds and encouragement.

The trails were in amazingly good conditions that we expect from our Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks groomers, who were literally up all night before the Sonot Kkaazoot. No serious accidents were reported during the race as skiers were under the watchful eyes of the Nordic Ski Patrol. I’ve been unable to get the names of these individuals, so please let me know (contact@sonotkkaazoot.org) if you recognized any of these key volunteers.

Many long-term volunteers spent part of their Saturday timing the Sonot Kkaazoot, helping to prepare the stadium area, and staffing the awards banquet. We appreciate all their efforts.

Finally, Denali State Bank (https://www.denalistatebank.com/) has been the title sponsor of the Sonot Kkaazoot for all 37 years that the race has been held. Their support together with the Fairbanks North Star Borough Parks and Recreation, Fort Wainwright, U.S. Army Alaska, and the Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks has endured for 37 years. This lasting collaboration was responsible for countless smiles I saw Saturday on the trails. Spring and the Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot will return on 22 March 2025, the fourth Saturday in March.

Back-of-the-pack view of the Sonot Kkaazoot

Norma Haubenstock’s Sonot Kkaazoot snail award from 1998

Although I’ve been the last finisher in the 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot more times than I have fingers to count, I’ve never gotten a red lantern. I have gotten to be friends with the trail sweeps. Ken has taken my excess clothes to the finish for me, and I have told Danny to remove the remaining orange kilometer markers because I definitely knew the course (especially when it was on the Chena River).

In 1998, Norma Haubenstock was awarded the Sonot Kkaazoot Snail woodel made by Bad Bob from a particularly unique shaped birch log. We might need to offer incentives for women skiing the 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot. This year Corinne Leistikow was the only woman over 29 years old to finish the 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot. She was ahead of her husband, an under 20-year-old female skier, and one 30–34-year-old male skier. But no other Masters female skiers finished the 50-km Sonot Kkaazoot.

Since the pandemic, I haven’t been the last 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot finisher because I have been unable to finish 50 km. Likewise, most of the SCUM have chosen to ski the 30 km instead of the 50 km event.

Among the SCUM there is fierce competition for woodels since the M09 (70 to 74 years old) category had 5 SCUM skiers so only three would be successful.

Woodel winners in M09 men in 30 km Sonot Kkaazoot–Bill Husby (2nd), Mike Schmoker (first), and Dermot Cole (third)–Joanna Fox photo

Last year Mike Schmoker and Dermot Cole skied the 50 km Sonot, however, this year, only Eric Troyer skied it.

Here’s the URL to Eric’s blogpost on his race:


In contrast, he provided these insights from the back-of-the-pack to me:

I don’t try to be at the back of the pack, but I enjoy being there. The people are friendly, and the atmosphere is more relaxed. It’s kind of like a pub in motion. But without the bar. Or the beer. And if you end up doing enough of the races, it’s like Cheers. Everybody knows your name!

One thing nice about being at the back of the pack is hope. You can always hope someone in front of you went out too fast and then runs out of steam badly.  Then you can cheerily call out “Good job!” as you pass them. Sure, it’s sad and petty, but it’s all we’ve got! 

I’ve been at the back of the pack many times. I’ve even got a list of all my Red Lantern finishes. I’m proud of them! Entered, competed, finished! Most important, though, is that you have a good time while you’re out there. Even when you’re struggling and feel like you want to puke. Good times! 

Regardless of distance attempted, the SCUM have a good time. Here’s the view before the Sonot Kkaazoot as they flex their bionic hinges:

SCUM before the Sonot Kkaazoot, posing in front of the spectator directional sign —photo by Dermot Cole

and a view of the morning after:

SCUM on the day after the Sonot Kkaazoot, with Bill Husby feeling the effects of grooming for 5 hours, sleeping only 3 hours, and having Dermot pass him on the black loops when he fell–photo by Joanna Fox

However, this year, Sonot Kkaazoot race director, Bad Bob Baker, felt the effects of his completely torn hamstring while setting up the courses, supervising all the volunteers, and providing the play-by-play in the stadium for 6 hours. The pain and swelling did force Bob to go home for several hours before race morning.

We wish him a successful surgery and speedy recovery so that he can have more fun at next year’s Sonot Kkaazoot.

Bad Bob Baker at rest during a lull in the finish line activities of the Sonot Kkaazoot–photo by Dan Johnson

2024 Winners of 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot

50 km winners (L to R): Mike Ophoff (3rd), Ben Dohlby (2nd) and Christopher Kalev (1st) —photo by Dermot Cole

Three UAF Nanook skiers comprised the podium for the main event of the 37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot. All three skiers recently competed in the NCAA championships in Steamboat Springs, CO, while pursuing their engineering degrees. Mike and Christopher are skiing while engineering graduate students. Christopher Kalev won the 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot for the second straight year with a time of 2:15:39.4; Ben Dohlby was second in 2:16:13.4 and Mike Ophoff third in 2:17:14.6. Christopher improved upon his time from 2023 when he finished in 2:19.00.6. Earlier this season Christopher competed in World Cup races in Minneapolis and Canmore, Alberta representing his native Estonia.

50 km winners (L to R): Astrid Stav (2nd), Rosie Fordham (1st), Anna Engel (3rd) —photo by Joanna Fox

The women’s 50 km podium was also topped by an Nanook skier, Rosie Fordham, who was an All-American at NCAA finals this year. Rosie’s winning time was 2:34:37.7 and was much faster than her winning time in 2022 when her finish was clocked at 2:43:15.8. Rosie, a mathematics student, also raced in the Minneapolis World Cup races representing Australia. Astrid Stav of UAA was second behind Rosie in 2:36:06.8 and Anna Engel of APU was third in 2:57:27.2.

Congratulations to all of these amazing skiers.

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner story: https://www.newsminer.com/sports/local/two-uaf-athletes-win-37th-annual-sonot-kkaazoot-races/article_3d425b90-e96a-11ee-8b7d-9f1df3afd40a.html

Unclaimed woodels from 2024 Sonot Kkaazoot available for pickup (updated on 3/26/24)

SCUM with their stash of woodels, including for wayward SCUM–photo by Jimmy Fox

If you missed the awards banquet for the 37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot, you still have an opportunity to pick up your handmade birch woodel in the small warmup hut at Birch Hill Recreation Center from Tuesday afternoon, 26 March through 3 April 2024.

Mike Schmoker, head woodel maker, will have unclaimed woodels in labeled plastic bags in the log warming hut that is open 24 hours a day. There will be one bag with overall awards for Aiden Summers, Riley Whistler, and Dana Fjare. A second bag will have the age-class woodels for the 10k with 1st, 2nd & 3rd in zip lock bags. There will also be a 30k & a 50k bag with 1st, 2nd & 3rd zip lock bags. There is the list of names in each bag, and we ask that skiers mark off their names when they get their woodels.  

The woodels are highly coveted as were Gina’s pecan, white chocolate cookies, also shown above. However, if you missed the banquet, you missed out on the cookies and Gina’s fabulous soups.

Sonot Results (before Anna Sorensen)

Page 1 of the 1992 Sonot Kkaazoot 50 km race results

37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot skiers definitely appreciated the live results posted by Anna Sorensen, head timer. Long before Anna, there was hand timing by Bad Bob Baker and results done on a Selectric typewriter. Shown above is page 1 of the 1992 Sonot Kkaazoot results for the 50 km race. We see that Karin Gillis, mother of current FXC Masters coach, Christina Turman, was only 30 years old. Sharon Baker was 33 years old. Ken Leary was 34 years old. Only Sharon and Ken from this results page skied on Saturday. Andy Reynolds and I were on page 2 but were still skiing the Sonot Kkaazoot 32 years later.

Maybe when I finish my MFA degree, I’ll have time to scan all the old Sonot Kkaazoot results and post them.

Fantastic Sonot Kkaazoot grooming (and beyond)

NSCF photo

Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks groomers got little sleep before Saturday’s Sonot Kkaazoot. Tom Helmers, NSCF head groomer spent 9 hours on the larger club Pistenbully between late Friday night and early Saturday morning. Bill Husby spent 5 hours in the smaller Pistenbully grooming the black and blue loops. After just 3 hours of sleep, Bill skied the 30- km Sonot Kkaazoot, winning the second-place award in M09 age category.

If you appreciated the trail conditions during the Sonot Kkaazoot and would like to continue to ski on groomed trails this spring, please consider adding to your donation to the NSCF trails fund. With little snow in the second half of the winter, the snowpack became highly compacted requiring the groomers proceed very slowly, which consumes more diesel fuel.

Here’s the URL to the secure donation site:


Consider the donation to be an investment in your mental and physical health as we move toward the dreaded breakup season.

Should be a perfect Sonot Kkaazoot day

Race director, Bad Bob Baker and Tom Helmers, head groomer for the Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks have been working through the night to make the 37th Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot a memorable one for all the skiers.

At 1146 pm, on his first pass of the 5 km marker on White Bear, Tom reported the air temperature was +33 deg F and the snow temperature with infrared thermometer was +15 deg. Their plan was to groom the Sunnyside and Cliffside trails last after freeze-up.

At 6:15 a.m., it is currently +25 deg in the Birch Hill stadium so the trails should be set up and firm.

Have a wonderful Sonot Kkaazoot.

Sonot Kkaazoot Late Registration ends at 1159 p.m. Thursday, 21 March 2024

Remember that late registration for the Denali State Bank Sonot Kkaazoot ends tomorrow night. Early bib pick-up is tomorrow from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. upstairs at the Birch Hill Recreation Center. As of this evening, we had 76 skiers signed up for the 10 km race, 38 for the 30 km race, and 46 for the 50 km event.

Early bib pickup is also your last opportunity to change from one event to another. If you are moving up from the 10 km to the 30 or 50 km event, you will need to pay the additional entry fee by cash or check before getting your bib. You will be assessed the fees that were relevant when you first registered. If you are moving down from the 30 or 50 km to the 10 km, you will not be refunded the difference in entry fees.