Hot Dog Honey Badger

What is bad a** honey badger, who has finished up the virtual Sonot Kkaazoot grand slam (20 km, 40 km, and 50 km events–each done in a single day as a single workout), supposed to do when he must shelter in place and social distance from fellow SCUMs?

Merely skate skiing icy trails at Birch Hill wasn’t enough from Bill on Wednesday, no way! If you’re Poles Husby, whose orthopedic surgeon told him “no moguls” with his bionic knees, you decide to be one tough a**,–hot dog–honey badger.

Thanks to Joanna Fox for this video clip. 

Colleen Personett skis virtual 50 km Sonot Kkaazoot

She writes:

I’ve been rather slow to reply…but, I skied the typical 30 km at Birch on March 21.  I had planned to do all 50 km that day, but the river had other plans.  Life didn’t allow time again until Thursday, March 26. I ski low tech, so I’ve got nothing but my word (3 hr for 30 km (which I did with Johnna Underwood)) and about 1:50 for the random 20 km at Birch—cut off some of White Bear and some of the blacks).

I am not looking to have a big write up—or any at all ☺️—on the website.  Just listed on the standings…for no reason other than just because. 😊.

Last year I entered and had to leave town for emergency eye surgery for my then 2 year-old.  I was very much looking forward to a normal spring…well, I need to say no more.  Skiing makes life feel a little bit normal…I’m sure that’s true for many of us.

Thank you to all of you that have taken the time to make this happen. It has been a fun way to be connected in some way and to see people encourage each other and to be encouraged…thanks to Bad Bob and the MANY others that help—sorry I can’t thank you all by name!!!  Enjoy the sun, snow…and whatever is ahead.  Be well!!!

Yes, Tom, March 2020 was snowy

Groomer Tom Helmers was correct in thinking March is usually a low snow month in Fairbanks.

As this National Weather Service Fairbanks graphic shows, March 2020 was snowy:

March snow

Thus, the Virtual Sonot skiers, who bemoaned the shoveling and scooping toll, were not being whiners. We did exert considerable effort removing this snow from driveways and paths.

The clouds that gave us all that snow kept the temperatures within normal lows but without the daytime sunshine, our highs were cooler than normal:

March temps

So enjoy skiing on that ample snow pack in April as the average temperatures rise dramatically. Remember to keep social distancing on the trails and ski within your abilities. Now is not the time for injuries that will increase the health care burden needlessly.