Post-Equinox Marathon Training

Some SCUM successfully finished their Equinox Marathon (half) challenge:

Robert Hannon finishes his Equinox Half Marathon–photo by Joanna Fox

as did a couple of my FXC Masters teammates. Here, Norma is smiling in spite of her tumble on the trails in front of Robert (who then finished before her).

Norma, Sue, and Darren finish Equinox Half Marathon–photo by Joanna Fox

My Equinox Marathon Day was spent checking the online results of my friends and training buddies while keeping my surgical foot above my hips

My surgical foot with its “rebar” reinforced fifth metatarsal

because 4 days before the Equinox Marathon, I tripped on one of only two steps at my house. I momentarily landed on the top of my right foot, fracturing my fifth metatarsal. I had foot surgery 15 hours before the Equinox Marathon.

I’m non weight bearing for 6 weeks so the SCUM came to my rescue today to help remove leaves from my house’s gutters:

Supposedly, out-of-shape Bernardo did most of the climbing. The rationale was that he was the lightest of the SCUM so would be the easiest to catch if he fell:

Bernardo doing his ladder training–photo by Joanna Fox
SCUM work party on a glorious but chilly fall day
Robert clings to his purple leaf scoops as he steadies the ladder being stabilized by a foam pad wedge.

Robert used his prize leaf scoops to fill Joanna’s garden cart with birch leaves:

and then hauling the leaves over to the composting area:

Mom directing Robert where to dump the leaves–photo by Joanna Fox

Robert, Bernardo, and Joanna made quick work of the leaves in my yard today. Hopefully we’ll get another sunny (or at least dry day) after the predicted snow and rain on Sunday and Monday. Only about half of the trees in my neighborhood have lost their leaves in spite of several days of hard frost conditions.

It’s tough not being able to weight bear on one foot. However, my friends have definitely helped me with activities of daily living in Fairbanks.